Global Fellows Progam

Applications are due in late September for the following academic year.

The Global Lab hosts Global Fellows to spend a term, with course release, working on a project that integrates creative media and visualization techniques to add new dimensions to their teaching, research or community engagement. The Fellowship offers recipients the opportunity to

  • learn, experiment, develop, innovate and reflect on ways that interactive, visual, and audio forms of media and storytelling can enhance course activities,
  • help students support project partners around the world with compelling deliverables, and
  • translate insights from research in impactful ways.

Fellows are invited to take advantage of the Lab’s resources and expertise to develop websites, podcasts, videos, serious games, immersive experiences, animations, and innovative data visualizations; to develop novel community engagement models, creative scholarhip strategies or innovative teaching resources; and to critically reflect on how creative media and visualization techniques can advance the goals of sustainability, resilience, and justice.


Meet The Fellows


Katherine Foo

Katherine Foo

Department of Integrative & Global Studies Social Science and Policy Studies

Melissa Belz

Melissa Belz

Department of Integrative & Global Studies

Snehalata Kadam

Snehalata Kadam

Department of Physics

Carol L. Stimmel

Carol L. Stimmel

Department of Integrative & Global Studies


Derren Rosbach

Derren Rosbach

Civil, Environmental, & Architectural Engineering Department of Social Science & Policy Studies Great Problems Seminar

Assistant Teaching Professor
Lisa Stoddard

Lisa Stoddard

Department of Environmental & Sustainability Studies Department of International & Global Studies

Laura Roberts

Laura Roberts

The Global School

Rudra Kafle

Rudra Kafle

Department of Physics

Interactive Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning
Lorraine Higgins

Lorraine Higgins

The Global School


John-Michael Davis

John-Michael Davis

Integrative & Global Studies

Joshua Rosenstock

Joshua Rosenstock

Interactive Media & Game Development

John Galante

John Galante

Humanities & Arts

Assistant Teaching Professor

“Italian Migration Data Project”

Marja Bakermans

Marja Bakermans

Biology/Integrative & Global Studies


Courtney Kurlanska

Courtney Kurlanska

Interdisciplinary & Global Studies

Assistant Teaching Professor-Interdisciplinary