
Storying Climate Change India Perceptions of a Changing Climate, Exposure and Vulnerability  Related Publications “Storying Climate Change in Himachal Pradesh” (Aylin Padir, Ingrid Shockey, Seth Tuler). Practicing Anthropology – Journal of the Society of Applied...


Storying Climate Change Iceland Perceptions of Climate Change  Iceland Scientific research is often prioritized over social research in climate change studies. Personal stories convey perceived vulnerabilities, adaptations and resiliencies while discerning societal...

New Zealand

Storying Climate Change New Zealand New Zealand By collecting and analyzing public interviews, this project assisted Landcare Research in its study of responses of New Zealanders to climate change; public reaction is a key component of climate change prediction. Our...


Storying Climate Change Japan Featuring climate stories from Japanese locals, expats and more from the heart of Japan.  Related Links The Climate Stories Project Climate Stories Project gives a voice to the emotional and personal impacts that climate change is having...